The Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (AFAN) and numerous agricultural clubs on East Campus have teamed up to organize Husker Food Connection. The event helps students gain a better knowledge of general agriculture within the state of Nebraska.
“The purpose of this event is to connect urban students to agriculture through something they’re familiar with: food,” said Amanda Kowalewski, Husker Food Connection Coordinator. Amanda is a senior Agricultural Economics major from Gothenburg, NE.
The event will feature a free lunch catered by Skeeter Barnes, farm equipment displays, booths by Nebraska commodity groups, and an opportunity to interact with livestock at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln City Campus Union Plaza.

The 2019 Husker Food Connection theme is “Agriculture is Everything.” “It’s important to the agricultural community to share the story of food from production to consumption. Whether you realize it or not, you rely on a farmer three times a day and the agricultural students of our University are excited to engage with the public about our industry,” says Hannah Borg, a senior Agricultural Communications major from Wakefield, NE, and the Husker Food Connection Communications Coordinator.
HFC organizers look forward to answering questions and sharing personal experiences by engaging in one on one conversations. Students and faculty are encouraged to take part in the interactive event from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Tuesday, April 16.
Student organizers include representatives from campus groups such as Collegiate Farm Bureau, Agricultural Communicators of Tomorrow, and Block and Bridle. The Alliance for the Future of Agriculture in Nebraska (AFAN) is a nonprofit organization formed by leading agricultural membership groups in Nebraska. The AFAN mission is to encourage the development of environmentally responsible and economically viable livestock production in the state.